Jennifer Lapierre Stone

Holding a Master degree from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science from Boston University, I bring intellect and reason to my readings. I began practicing Tarot decades ago and I am also able to communicate with those who have crossed over to the Other Side. I am a practitioner of Controlled Remote Viewing, and am a certified Level III (Shinpi den) Reiki Master and Teacher.
I have been vetted by and am a member of BestPsychicDirectory.com. Some of the most important work I do is as a volunteer -- I am honored to have been accepted in 2017 as a member of the national organization “Find Me” (findmegroup.org) using my intuition to help find missing persons and resolve homicides.
For the past 30 years now I've been studying astrology, and am a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN). I keep current my field and attend the international United Astrology Conference. I consider astrology to be "4,000 years of trusted science" (as ruled India's Supreme Court).
Born with the numerological Master Number 55/1, I feel called to access Higher Wisdom for the benefit of others. I began having visions in the first grade, but I didn't understand what they were. These distracting "movies" about people and places unfamiliar to me would play on their own, and blinking my eyes did nothing to stop them. I figured this was a normal phenomena that happened to everyone. Teachers complained I was easily distracted and adults called me "overly sensitive."
When I was ten, my forward-thinking mother introduced me to transcendental meditation, which piqued my curiosity to later study other arcane subjects including astrology, ancient religions, lucid dreaming, dowsing, quantum mechanics, automatic writing, gemology/crystal gridding, psychometry (reading objects), energy healing and mediumship. I started reading professionally for clients in Boston among some of the world's best psychics at The Original Tremont Tearoom, the oldest psychic institution in the U.S. and more recently during Halloween season in Salem, Massachusetts at Crow Haven Corner and The Cauldron Black.
Book A Reading
Do you have questions regarding your career and business plans?
“Will I ever get promoted?” “Should I sign this contract?” Get the answers you need to make an informed decision.
Do you have a list of love & romance questions?
Are they my soulmate?”
“Have they been faithful to me?” “Should I take this relationship to the next level?” Ask any love question and get the truth.
Do you have a specific question you need answered? Are you "psychic curious?" Why not ask a Harvard-educated Psychic Astrologer? Get the honest answers you need, and with the truth comes peace of mind.
All readings for U.S. clients are by phone and for international clients, by Skype call.