In Polynesian culture (for example, Hawaiian and Māori), mana (pronounced MAH-na) is a spiritual quality considered to have supernatural origin - a sacred impersonal force existing in the universe. It has commonly been interpreted as "the stuff of which magic is formed", as well as the substance of which souls are made. The universe and the spiritual source (call it God or whatever you like) is infinite. If you break up an infinite energy source into separate parts, then each part keeps that infinite power within. Hawaiians know all things have mana. The aina (land), pohaku (rocks), plants, people, gods and goddesses in varying degrees.
To have mana is to have influence and authority, and efficacy - the power to perform in a given situation. Accepting yourself as having ALL the power within you leads to these conclusions:
Your energy is channeled and focused through your beliefs and emotions. So what you believe to be true or what you are afraid will happen – will happen, because you define it through your focused energy
Nothing is going to happen without you defining it
Everything that happened to you, you created and attracted
You are the only one who can define your experience
Others have no power over you – other than the one you give them
No one else can make you sad or hurt you – you can only do this by yourself. You can of course invite others to hurt you.
Are you using your mana to its full potential?